Yesterday was a fairly laid back day here at Cheers POS. The entire office was able to stop with the regular routine and go to a meeting for a few hours regarding sales strategies. This included the entire sales department and even the secretary -- the entire office.
This was good, since we are a big believer in EVERYBODY in the company (whichever company) knowing sales. It is good for everybody in your company to know about your product (including pricing AND the solutions it offers), be friendly (so customers will come back and buy from you again...and recommend others to you), be resilient ("No," is not personal), be persistent (offer other options if a potential customer or customer does not feel comfortable with your first option, perhaps, "No," will be the ultimate answer (at this time), but, at least you know you did what you could), be a human being and treat the other person as a human being (do not be a jerk, do not treat them as a sale).
Since we are a small company, we did a bit of role-playing. In one scenario, one acted as a person who did not want a call back, but, would call us back when he wanted.
It went something like this:
-Hey, when is a good time to call you back?
--Let me give you a call back?
-Maybe I can call you back tomorrow morning. Are you busy mornings or afternoons?
--Both, really.
-Okay, what is your e-mail? I can shoot you an e-mail to confirm everything.
--I'm really not comfortable giving that out.
-Okay, what about a cell phone number? I can text you.
--How about I give you a call?
-Well, tell you what, I can give you a call as a courtesy follow up in a few days.
The salesperson was persistent. The other person was of the idea that it would be good to just let the potential customer give us a call back, rather than following up. The salesperson showed ways to overcome this and not allowing this to happen. The salesperson then explained to the other person how we lost at least one sale because of this mentality.
Not a good thing when one has gone to a store to meet with an interested owner, but, does not follow up. We lost a sale by not following up and closing because somebody else went to Interested Owner's store, and closed (Interested Owner did not like his point of sales system and was looking for something else, but, we never followed up as we should have -- our bad).
That's what we did yesterday. It was a nice break from our regular day-to-day job requirements and a slow, easy day. (HOORAY!)
As far as upcoming posts, it is getting closer and closer to Christmas 2015. As such, we keep getting recipes for Christmas (especially for cookies). We may have to share these recipes.
We also keep finding Christmas drinks on Pinterest.
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