Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Again, we're posting about sales. We offer a free tip after the rant (but, you all may already know it).


We decided to split up the sales posts today because this one will be ranty. If you would like to see all the mistakes on the link(s), click on the cursor/forward arrow button before the numbers.

Alright, here it goes: we HATE #2!! Not for the same reason they list, it is because THE CALLER IS NOT BEING CLEAR!! It's not that he kept talking about himself, it's that he was talking about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. "Financial Services". Okay, what? The listener tried to give him some opportunities to explain more...and he didn't. He wasn't going on about himself, he was failing to explain WHY the listener should meet up with him. "I would like to talk to you about your future and see if we can assist you with our 401Ks or set you up with a few mutual funds." That would have been worth something. "Financial Services," sounds like a waste of time. The listener was not interested because there was nothing enticing about what the sales rep was saying -- he was trying to be vague. What does he do? With what company is he? What problems is he trying to solve? NONE of these were answered.  He was deliberately avoiding answering with details.

Free Tip: If you cannot say what your business does, your business is HORRIBLE and you know it. The, "less is more," approach does not work for calls and job listings. If people are going to invest their time into your offer, you have to give them a reason. If you want business, be up front about what you do.


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