Tuesday, August 9, 2016

DOUBLE SHOT OF TIPSY TUESDAY -- Preventing High Turnover Rate (Part 2)

Second article: http://www.insperity.com/blog/4-reasons-for-high-employee-turnover/

Four Reasons For High Employee Turnover:

1.  The article mentions higher pay.  We're going to say this one is iffy.  We mentioned in the first article that an employee needs to make ends meet.  We think if the job is satisfying, an employee would stay, but...if a significantly higher offer is available, perhaps a person would consider leaving.  This is why it is so important to keep your employee engaged and part of your team.  The article also mentions other tangible benefits.

2.  They are not engaged.  It is a cycle, if you keep them happy, they will keep you happy.  If they are just coming in, punching their card, working their shift, and leaving, they are not engaged.  They are there, but, not actively engaged.  If an employee is happy at work, he will provide more for you and your company.  A disengaged employee will want to forget about work as much as possible.  A disengaged employee will not talk about work after hours, and will dread going in, even if it is for three hours once a week.  An engaged employee will do more than his (her) share of the work.  The article lists ways to keep employees engaged, but, neglects what we have mentioned before (including in Part 1 today) -- Hire The Right Person (not just the skills).

3.  They are bored.  The key point here is meet with your employees and make sure they know what work they are to be doing.  Make sure they still want to be at your company.

4.  This one's on you -- they are poorly managed.
Remember -- get involved in your employee's work life.
YOU leave your personal life at home.
YOU leave any issues you may be having with those above you out of your employee's cognition.  They do NOT need to know if you are having a disagreement with one of your superiors.  They do not need to be used as a pawn.  You mentioning something to your employees will make you sound bitter and gossipy.


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