Tuesday, August 2, 2016

TIPSY TUESDAY: How To Spot A Conman (/SOCIOPATH!!!) and Moles

Conman is one thing, but, when we were researching more articles on Google to see what we could find regarding spotting conme...conpersons...the term, "sociopath," kept coming up in some articles.  The articles were stating they are one and the same.

We thought that the, "con," in, "con man," was regarding conniving.  It's not.  It is short for, "confidence."  The sociopath gains the trust of those who he is manipulating.  He has to, otherwise his scheme would not work.  (We include women in being just as horribly manipulative.  #genderequality)  A sociopath needs people and thrives around people.  (It would be a coincidence if, "con," is because they need to be, "with," people.)  Though they are co-dependent, a sociopath is detached from people ((s)he is a user) and thinks (s)he is above the law.

They are charmers.

This is the post we found, initially: http://www.inc.com/chris-matyszczyk/expert-reveals-how-to-spot-a-con-man.html (We disagree that you cannot spot a liar; we have posted other posts to show you can.)

This is more research we found about sociopaths: http://www.wikihow.com/Spot-a-Sociopath

The difference between these an a mole?  A mole will infiltrate, a mole will want to blend in (sociopaths/conmen will keep a distance from those (s)he cannot control and/or move to a new target quickly).  A mole does not have that option.  A mole needs to be part of the group, even if it takes decades.  A conman will NEVER do that.  A conman needs to be in control.

A conman will swindle your business within a short amount of time (the shorter, the better) and move on.  A mole will lay low and leak lowdowns on your business for as long as he or she can.


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