Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Top Five Necessities That Can Help Your Business (Four If You Are Not A Liquor, Wine, or Cigar Shop) -- Part 1

There are some GREAT necessities to help your business.  There are many articles online that get into this.  Here are our top five (really, number five is THE most important).  These are necessary for your business.  These are the BASIC necessities.

1.  Cheers POS (if you are not a wine, liquor, or cigar shop, winery, vineyard, or gift shop associated with these, please continue to Point 2)
--This is the best (and really, only) point of sales system for your store if you are one of the six categories above.  We were designed specifically for you, we have everything you need for your business within our system, and we are available on both Windows & Apple operating systems.  Check out our website (which will be updated soon) for more information:

2.  The Phone
--You CANNOT run a business without a phone.  You NEED to get in contact with your customers and clients (and employees).  Potential customers, clients, and employees NEED to get in touch with you.  Doing everything by e-mail is shady.  You NEED (NEED) a phone.  Want to make a sale?  Phone.  Want to get a quote from a potential business you will need?  Phone.  Want to pacify a concerned customer?  Phone.  Want to bring somebody in for an interview?  Yes, phone.  The telephone is great because you can gauge somebody's mood by the tone of their voice and have real-time communication with somebody states (or countries) away.  You need a phone for your business.  Landlines provide stability, mobiles provide flexibility.  You need a phone for your business.

3.  The Internet
--Is there anything the Internet cannot provide?  From detailed informational videos on how to merge cells in Microsoft Excel to informative articles to great time wasting websites, there is no information that you cannot find on the Internet...providing you have the time and patience to keep searching if what you need does not come up right away.  Best website?  (  If you want to see how to build your business, which social media would be best for your business,  if it would be more beneficial to sell on eBay or Etsy, you can read and watch the information you want on the Internet before you start investing yourself.

Furthermore, you need the Internet for communication purposes.  E-mail is still popular, but chatting or Skyping with your business prospects would be better for you & them.

You cannot have a business in today's market without the Internet.  If you have your time devoted elsewhere, hire somebody who will handle this aspect of your business for you.  You need an up to date website, you need an e-mail address that will be managed daily.


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